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Summer Infant Express Bottle Warmer and Steriliser

Summer Infant Express Bottle Warmer and Steriliser

Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 20.99
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Similar Items to Summer Infant Express Bottle Warmer and Steriliser - The price of the summer infant express bottle warmer and steriliser is £20.99. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to summer infant express bottle warmer and steriliser added by our members that you might be interested in.
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List Details

To my lovely friends~

I thought to save you all the hassle of hard thinking, I would find the items me & my little boom boom could do with when she arrives~ <3

You'll find that some of the descriptions have no links, as i've just listed bits and bobs I can think of that I do not currently have. Doesn't have to be an exact replica, so feel free to use my wish list as a guidence.. & I know some of you are baby girl gaga when it comes to clothes~ just bear in mind they grow quick lol.. esp between newborn- 6months!

Times are hard for us all, so please don't feel pressured to purchase anything! I would be just be grateful if you could join me in my preparation to motherhood & make and afternoon out of it!

Thank you so much :)
Fati & baby bump x
Creation Date : 2 Aug 2011
Event Date : 1 Oct 2011

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