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Party Game Wizard

Party Game Wizard

Description: You've promised your child they can have a fabulous birthday party and the acceptance letters are flooding through the door, a mild feeling of panic starts to surface as you wonder how you're going to entertain so many demanding little ones. Worry no more as the Party Game Wizard is designed to entertain no matter what the age or temperament of your guests! It contains 16 wonderful and traditional games each with an exciting twist. Games included are treasure hunts, charades, relay races, pass the parcel, musical games, acting games, and quiet games. You can mix and match to suit children of different ages, or you can combine games and participate in a tournament. Two menus suggesting which games will suit various occasions are included. The set is designed to be enjoyed by children and adults, and some games can cater for up to 18 guests and ages 5 years+. And if ever you need reassuring that the wonderful Party Game Wizard really works, then you'll be plea...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 18.00
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