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North Pole Fly In

North Pole Fly In

Description: Journey over sparkling ice and snow to one of the last true frontiers left on the planet - the geographic North Pole. After reaching Svalbard, Norway's northernmost outpost, you'll board a jet to Camp Borneo, followed by a flight in a polar-proven helicopter over the Arctic Circle, home of polar bears, walruses and seals. You'll land as close to the geographic North Pole as possible, where you'll enjoy champagne and the unique opportunity to run around the world. From here it's all south, returning to Svalbard for a snowmobile day exploring the icy wilderness and the majestic Tempelfjord. Return flights from Svalbard to Camp Borneo, a snowmobile tour, some of your meals, three nights' accommodation and specialist equipment are all included.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 21000.00
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